Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekend at the Bathhouse

Over the weekend, the plumbing fixtures were completed and the tile laying began!! Kelly did a wonderful job of picking out the tile, paint and countertop to match -- the question is, do you think the tile will hide the dirt :) Enjoy the pictures, we're getting very close to being finished, it's amazing to see things coming together!

The first bathroom was completed...all the tile laid, the second bathroom the tile was started before the storms came through and halted production! To be continued...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

North Springfield Baptist Youth Group Work Day

A special thanks goes to the North Springfield Baptist Youth Group who spent two days of their spring break to come and work at Coldstream! They did a TON of cleaning and you can tell -- everything is spotless and very shiny!

After the winter, the ground is covered in leaves, the team also spent some time raking, blowing and gathering up leaves to help the grounds look wonderful for the groups coming in next month!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


This weekend plumbing was the focus! Jason and I moved the existing HVAC so we could get heat upstairs and make room for the new pipes to drain water from the upstairs facilities. Mike came out and put up all the hardware in the showers and he and Jon drilled the holes through the showers to make the drains and creates holes for the hardware! The second side got its first layer of flooring as well! We're getting very close to a finished product -- just wanted to update you with a few pictures :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Missions Fair

This weekend, Coldstream had the privileged of being involved in a local missions fair at First Baptist Church, Clarksville, TN. Staff took turns before and after services speaking with those interested about the different aspects of the camp! Thank you to all of you that came by and spoke with us -- please let us know how we can be a resource for you, your small group or your church!

Check out some pictures of the booth (the best looking in the hall if I do say so myself :) as well as some pictures of everyone mingling about!

The presentation board of our booth!

The staffers at the evening church service. From L-R: Mrs. Linda Goodman, Mr. Joe Goodman, myself & Jason Taylor.

If you're interested in receiving more information about Coldstream Christian Camp please feel free to comment and leave your name and email address and we'll get someone in touch with you! Hope you had a blessed Lord's day!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bathhouse Update

The bathhouse is currently under construction at Coldstream. Within a month we will reach completion. The project started in November and we have seen incredible progress. The upstairs was 2 offices and a prophets chamber and will eventually be an ADA compliant facility with 6 sinks, 4 showers and 4 toilets. All together, Coldstream will have 8 toilets, 8 showers and 10 sinks when the project is completed! Here are some images so you can see progress! Thanks to all of you who have donated time, energy or materials to this project, we couldn't have done it without you!

This is the stall, without the toilet. The space on the right will be handicap accessible! We will also be adding a ramp out front for easy access to the facilities!

Pictured here is a shower stall, which I proudly learned how to "liquid nail" trim down and caulk in the holes :) Everyone can learn something at Coldstream!

The floor is going in!!! Here I'm "mudding" the backerboard down so we can help level the floor out before we TILE!!! It's all coming together! Lord willing, we'll be finished next month sometime!

About Us

The mission of Coldstream Christian Camp is to provide an atmosphere of Christian fellowship in a campground setting, bringing Christian growth to those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, and presenting the lost with the Gospel unto salvation.

The Potter's House and Cottage Ministry, also a part of Coldstream Christian Camp, was started to provide a place or retreat and restoration for groups, individuals, or couples at a modest cost.

Since 1980, God has used Coldstream Christian Camp, in Adams, Tennessee, to minister to thousands of individuals through children's camps, church retreats, wild game dinner retreats, and numerous other activities. Coldstream is committed to pursuing its mission of providing a place for spiritual growth and evangelization in an outdoor setting, all to the glory of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ.

Situated less than an hour from Nashville and Clarksville, Tennessee, Coldstream is an ideal location to hold your next youth retreat or other overnight gathering. Fully equipped and reasonably priced, it fits into the budgets of even small organizations.

If you would like more information, pictures, rates or availability, please feel free to check out our website, or email, or call 615-696-2208! Thanks for your time and God Bless!