Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunrise Service

Thank you to all who attended the Easter Sunrise Service at Coldstream this year! At least 85 people were in attendance to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior!

Mr. Goodman opened the morning with an explanation of sunrise service, how it began and why we were gathered there Sunday morning.

Jon Burkeen, the camp's Caretaker, brought the Word, reminding us to remember Christ's words. To live in the present and to long for Jesus.

The entire morning was a precious time of fellowship, encouragement and tenderness towards the unbelievable sacrifice Christ made for each and every one of us. All the way down to the decorations, we were reminded that Jesus is the Lamb of God, that His brow was pierced for our iniquities and that He is the light of the world. We walked away with a renewed perspective of grace and thankfulness for our salvation and for what Jesus endured so that we may spend eternity with Him!

Praise the Lord, HE IS RISEN!

1 comment:

  1. Sunrise Service at Coldstream is always such a blessing.
