Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Camp Sponsorships

Summer Youth Camps are just around the corner here at Coldstream Christian Camp...

Girls Camp is July 6-10
Boys Camp is July 13-17

The theme this year is "Hidden Treasures"...each day campers will be learning about a parable Jesus told and then they will be digging into it to find the "hidden treasure" that applies to their lives. Please be praying for their eyes and ears and hearts to be opened to Jesus because there will be plenty of opportunities to share the gospel with the way the curriculum is designed and we are excited to see what the Lord is going to do in these kids lives!

Finally, we'd like to extend an invitation for you to sponsor a child to attend camp this year. Due to the economy we are having a significant amount of applications coming in requesting sponsorships. We do not want to turn any children away so please pray over and consider sponsoring a child for a week of camp. It's not too late for girls or boys week. You can contact Kelly in the Coldstream office at 615 6962208, or email Jewel, at coldstreamchristiancamp@gmail.com to sponsor a child for only $120 for an entire week of camp.

Thank you for your love and dedication to the ministry Coldstream has. We are growing by leaps and bounds and we are praising the Lord for your role in that!

Bathhouse Deck/Steps

The bathhouse deck ended up having to be raised about a foot so Jon and Jason took off the deck, raised it up to make it level and attached it again. The next weekend they poured concrete to lay the footers so it was secure and set and finally, this last week, the steps were complete!! The bathhouse is ready just in time for camp!!! Everything is coming together!

Soon to come, pics of finished steps!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Counselor Training This Weekend

The 2009 Women's Counseling Staff of Coldstream Christian Camp will be in training this weekend. Please pray for the leaders to provide the tools and wisdom necessary to the counselors. Also please pray for the counselors to bond together and grow together in Christ first and foremost, secondly, that they will feel prepared and informed and ready to tackle a week of camp in July! Thank you for your prayers, Coldstream would not exist if it were not for the prayers, dedication and financial support of you! Praise be to God for His constant and abundant provisions!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wood working

Jason finished the side entrance to Mr. Joe's office by building a new "deck" and the last woodworking project on the bathhouse is to tackle the front porch...his goal for the weekend is to a) figure out the best route and b) complete what he can! Hopefully, this front porch will allow each access to campers and make the building ADA compliant as well!

Bathhouse Renovation COMPLETE!

What a time to celebrate! This week, the bathhouse is complete and is open for use! Over the weekend last minute paint touch-ups were completed, a couple plumbing leaks were fixed and the entire facility was given a good scrubbing to clean it up and get it ready to use! We are thanking the Lord for His provision during this project, the funds, the labor, the knowledge and the materials! He has been so faithful, it's been a long project, but it's been worth it! Praise the Lord for a job well done! Enjoy some of the pictures :)

This is an angle so you can see the showers and the counter top and sinks

From here you can see the floor and shower stalls (with dressing areas!) which leads us to the...

Toilets, which sit next to the shower...as you can see when we add the appropriate hardware the one on the left will be ADA compliant!

The windows have also been trimmed out and are of great quality for privacy!